
Our Brokers are Licensed and Insured. Only a Broker or Agent can legally recommend an insurance policy in the State of Idaho. Our Brokers are not “assisters.”  Assisters are paid via Federal Government Grants to help you obtain and understand the Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) portion of the Affordable Care Act. Assisters are not licensed or insured entities in the State of Idaho.

SteveMSteve Marsh
Preferred Broker / CEO / Owner
Send email to Steve Marsh
(208) linkedinlogo433-8312 x 1 Office
(208) 867-6545 Cell






David Marsh
Preferred Broker
Send email to David Marsh
(208) 433-8312 x 2 Office
(208) 447-8523 Cell




Marsh & Associates
Medical Plans of Idaho
1308 N Meridian Rd
Meridian, Idaho 83642

(208) 433-8316 Fax

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